Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This friday, 2nd May
Marriot Hotel
Prices: $70, currently, there is an instalment plan, u pay $6/week for 12 weeks. no interest.
if there are sponcors, the price will drop to the total sum of $50 per paxFor any enquries , don't hesitate to call BERNICE LIM ! = ) or , SHAWNALD ! : )and oh yeah ~ lalala ~ glad that we had a class photo taken today, but i wanted a COURSE photo la walao ! T02 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(and one more thing ! let's plan a outing kays? Let's discuss where to go =pRonny ~ xD
We Loved11:47 PM
what i learnt in school today.
It's not about the quantity. It's all about the Quality.
We Loved12:11 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
YMCA ~ !OMG lah , walao ~ i've been wanted to take a photo of all 45 students since last week -.-andd omg ! everyone just left the classroom when we are dismissed . =((((((((lalala ~ and yeah ~ having fun in class recently ~our classmates are just simply wonderful <3>can't imagine us sitting under blk 52 for lunch LOL !as if we are having camps haha , and omg lah lol , we forgot to clean the floor afterwards ;xtralalala ~ everyone let's dance with CHENGXI ! LOL . or we can learn the dance from BERNICE TOO ! =PPpRonny ~ xD
We Loved8:56 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Have a laugh ppl! ^_^
Fartcine: Found this in my e-mail. It was forwarded to me from my friend...and I thought it would be great if i spread it around thus--on our class blog! Haha!This has got to be one of the most brilliant e -mails ever received in a while. Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble.(Wait till you see the last one)!
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
Bet your friends haven't seen this one!!! DON'T FORGET TO SHARE THIS! ^^
We Loved10:41 PM
Fartcine: Hey Hey ppl! The photos of ur girls--Yesyes Shoot, with you the most--taken on 24th March 2008 during SOE Tutorial is on PhotoBucket.
Username: npbzse2008
Password: (same as the blog's password)
Go check it out!
We Loved1:58 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hey all you sexy pioneers of BZSE out there!
Channel NewsAsia has already confirmed with Mrs Joyce that they will be coming tomorrow to document about our course! So for all you people who are having problems with MeL. Here is the message from Mrs Joyce:
"Hallo, CNA has confirmed that they are coming on Monday (tomorrow!!). They will be here around 11am.
So, please read the previous email about dresscode - no shorts and strings and slippers.
In addition, I need some more help:
As mentioned earlier, Justine and Helena will stand-by for any interviews. Please meet me at 9.30am at HMS office for short briefing.
There may be a filming of a small group with Mr Kenny Low asking questions. I would like the following students to be prepared for this :
My 2 classreps and INTSOE reps ie ChuanYu, Justine, ChengXi and Jonathan.
And .... Alison, Ronny, Francine, Zhi Qiang, Eugene, Cynthia
Can my 2 INTSOE reps (ChengXi and Jonathan) help to coordinate the students - 5 from each class? I need to see all the 10 of you outside LT78 at 9:45.
The 10 of you should have questions prepared to ask Mr Kenny Low.
The rest of you are important as well. Ensure you continue to be yourself - the enthu, positive, interested bunch that so impressed me :-).
There will be opportunities for the rest of you to be profiled. This is only Week 3 :-).
Just to highlight the following exciting aspects of BZSE:
BZSE prepares you to help contribute to solutions for current social problems by acquiring business and social knowledge and skills - To setup/manage businesses, and to transform lives.
You will be given the opportunity to visit Social Enterprises and areas with social needs both locally and overseas.
You will be mentored by renowned Social Entrepreneurs (from Schwab Foundation and others) both locally and internationally.
You have the opportunity to work on Social Enterprise projects from Year 1 (already some of you are submitting proposals and talking to directors of VWOs).
You have the opportunity to be attached to a Social Enterprise either locally or overseas in your final semester, under the guidance and mentorship of a Social Entrepreneur.
You will be highly demanded by the time you graduate because you not only have acqured business skills and knowledge, a comprehensive awareness of social issues both locally and in the global context, you will also have developed a heart of compassion.
You can further your studies in both Business or the Social Sciences, and able to make a better decision on your further education path after having gone through this course.
Yay !!!
Justine and Helena - do remember these points as you may be asked about the uniqueness of the BZSE programme.
I may need to attend to the reporters during the lecture, so during the Q&A time, can all of you be spontaneous and cooperative to ask questions? Can I count on my 2 class reps to help manage this? (CY & J).
Thanks and see you all tomorrow!!"
Let's rock and roll tomorrow people! Please try to dress smart casual/semi-formal. You can wear jeans. No shorts or mini-skirts please. Let's dress to impress!
We Loved4:58 PM
hey guys, Billy here
-I'm not joining you guys for soccer i got sth in morning SHITTTT
-Msn me all your birthdays, i'm going to put that up on the blog
-Let's make it a point to celebrate each other's birthdays yeah? buy a cake..write a card..whatever. we're all in this together man! Friends, coursemates, classmates, brothers, sisters
-Class photo, T01 photo, T02 Photo this monday
Im going to put that up as a pic on the blog face.
-Let's all go study at the library after sch.
-T01 - everyone help everyone understand globalization and the exel one really knows what to do..
-whole course..let's have an outing one iron man
that's all my good friends. if you have a blog, please tag it here too so we can link your sorry ass back to this website. (sorry, morning sickness. it's three freaking thirty freaking five in the morning.)
We Loved3:30 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Street Soccer match T01 VS T02
Hey all the men of BZSE!
Justine here. It's already the end of the 2nd week, but i somehow still feel that we don't really know each other that well yet. Hence, me and Chuan has decided to organise this soccer match to bond all the guys together. (I hope that didn't sound gay)
T01 VS T02. How cool is that?
We will play on next next monday(5th may), 8am before the first lecture. And then we will head down for Mrs Joyce's class by 10am. Yup. So please.. for the sake of the Champion Course. Be there. Or not me and Chuan Yu will be playing 1 on 1 all by ourselves.
p.s. remember to dress smart on monday! ;)
We Loved1:48 AM
forget it...
ITAPP make up lesson on monday 28.4.2008 at 56-02-01, 3pm-7pm. those who cant make it MUST produce an authorized excuse slip otherwise will be marked absent without reason.
for those who have movie screening of V for Vendetta on monday, and desires to go for the ITAPP class, i suggest that we go find ms poh together and ask for permission for all of us to rent the video and watch it by ourselves, and go for ITAPP lessons. this way, we can strike a balance bewteen the 2 modules, not needing to sacrifice one for the other!
We Loved12:19 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Discussion Rm on 24/04/2008
Fartcine: Kk, the Beethoven Discussion Rm on the 4th floor of the library would be under my name from 12-2pm tml, 24th April 2008. The room can take up to 10 ppl. Thank You!
Beethoven: 2008-04-24 1200
And again, the Beethoven Discussion Rm on the 4th Floor of the library would be under Cheryl Cheong's name from 4-6pm tml, 24th April 2008.
Beethoven: 2008-04-24 1600
We Loved2:15 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Discussion Rm on 23/04/08 for T01
Kk, ppl of T01, cos all of us know some of us like to go to the library to hang out and discuss about homework and projects alike, everyday after the last lesson, a discussion room in the library would be booked for your use. Tml (23/04/2008, Wednesday), we have a room on the 5th floor from 4-6p.m. for 10 ppl. For more details on the room, ask Billy cos it's registered under his student account.
Please remember to print the room-booking slip withnin 15 minutes of your booking time!P.S: The room is names Meli--something...on the 5th floor kk?
We Loved11:41 PM
kays! chengxi is here to help you guys understand econs better! however, i cannot guarantee that my method will work with everyone ^^
ChengXi's Econs Tutorial! Revision 2!
Firstly, the definitions!
The absolute advantage DOES NOT require comparison between different jobs AT ALL! it is the comparison between the same job but different person. for eg. ted can wax 4 cars a day or wash 12 cars a day. tom can wax 3 cars a day or wash 6 cars a day. who has the abs adv of waxing cars? of washing cars?
Ted will have the abs adv of waxing cars as he can wax more cars then tom when given the same amount time.
Ted will have the abs adv of washing cars as he can wash more cars then tom when given the same amount of time.
*revision 2*
to make it easier.
Ted wax 4 cars a day
Tom wax 3 cars a day
Ted owns Tom
Ted washes 12 cars a day
Tom washes 6 cars a day
Ted owns Tom again
/end of revision/
so now, you guys can understand? (:
let's move on to another one...
opportunity cost.
it is basically the ratio of one job is to another of the SAME PERSON.
u compare between the 2 jobs of ted only!
for eg.
ted wax 4 cars/day, wash 12 cars/day
tom wax 3 cars/day, wash 6 cars/day
opp cost for ted.
1 wax -> 3 wash
1 wash -> 1/3 wax
opp cost for tom.
1 wax -> 2 wash
1 wash -> 1/2 wax
now, this is always used to find out when they ask for comparative advantage.
who has a comp adv for waxing cars? for washing cars?
TOM will have the comp adv for waxing cars.
why? cos he loses less compared to ted in waxing cars!
ted loses the OPPORTUNITY to wash 3 cars when he wax 1 car.
however, tom only loses the opportunity to wash 2 cars when he wax 1 car.
in short, for everytime they wax ONE car, ted loses 3 wash, while tom only loses 2 wash.
who has the comp adv for washing cars?
the answer is ted!
he only loses 1/3 wax for every car he washes.
but, tom loses 1/2 wax for every car he washes!
in short, compare the ratios in comparative advantage, just the numbers!
next one would be the question of the day where alot ppl dont understand...
this means that, the boss of those 2, ted and tom, want them to 'chiong' 3 waxes before washing.
meaning, both of them have to wax a car at least once, and either of them have to do it 2 times.
so, it will be something like..
Ted wax 1, wash ? -> unknown yet
Tom wax 2, wash ?
Ted wax 2, wash ?
Tom wax 1, wash ?
as long as the total of the wax is 3, they can do the washing!
now is to calculate the wash numbers and determine which is the best, ted wax 2 or tom wax 2.
ted wax 1, wash would be 12-(1 x 3)
the 12 is the max number of cars he can wash everyday without waxing at all
the 3 is because he loses 3 wash for every car he wax!
outcome -> Ted wax 1, wash 9
tom wax 2, wash would be 6-(2 x 2)
the 6 is the max number of cars he can wash everyday without waxing at all
the first "2" is the number of waxing he does
the second "2" is because he loses 2 wash for every car he wax.
outcome -> Tom wax 2, wash 2
to determine the effectiveness, you have to total up the amount!
total -> wax 3, wash 11
dont be too happy yet! u need to do it another time! why, u ask? because there's another posible result!
which is, ted wax 2 and tom wax 1! the outcome will be totally different! i will leave u to try this out!
the outcome is ted wax 2, wash 6. tom wax 1, wash 4. TOTAL wax 3, wash 10
to determine, compare the 2 results! you will see that the latter has a wash lesser than the first one! which means, the first is more effective than the latter!
last but not least, specialisation
this means that one person only do ONE job.
Ted does only waxing, no washing and Tom does only washing, no waxing.
Ted does only washing, no waxing and Tom does only waxing, no washing!
the first one...
Ted Wax: 0, Wash: 12
Tom Wax: 3, Wash: 0
Total Wax 3, Wash 12
second one...
Ted Wax: 4, Wash 0
Tom Wax: 0, Wash 6
Total Wax: 4, Wash 6
in this case, comparing the second to the first, you gain ONE wax, but you lose SIX washes. to determine whether which is the better way, price is needed to be in consideration. however, we will not go too deep into it as it is under advanced econs.
most likely, 6 washes cost more than 1 wax, which in turn, means that the FIRST produce better results then the second one!
i think that's all to the tutorial! for the curves, teaching online not easy at all... i'll find time to help you all in school then! ^^
thx for all your time and attention! class dismissed!!
credits to ronny for suggesting that i post this!
and to myself for using the time to write all these!
and to everyone for reading this! ^^ cheers!
We Loved3:28 PM
Latest Announcements!!
Regarding the ITAPP ReflectiveBlog issue, I've emailed ms chew personally and found out that we ALL have TO DO the reflective blog. So, t02 ppl who havent done it yet, pls do so asap, best if by the end of wed!! for more info, visit MeL!!
edit: tuesday lunch for t02 1130-1235 at KAP mac! see you there if you are going! t01 ppl are welcome too!
We Loved2:29 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
hello this is billy:
rgding the post below this post AFFECTS T02 ONLY.
time to explain econs. I was sitting in the library today and marcus and I cracked our heads over the bloody comparative thing and whatever it is, for the sake of the people who didint pay attention in class *AHEM BERNICE AHEM* i'm gonna type it here for all to see.
Basically absolute advantage and comparative advantage goes like this:
(ATTN TO PAGE 55 PROBLEM 1)Ted can wax 4 cars per day or wash 12 cars. Tom can wax 3 cars per day or wash 6.1. What is each man's opportunity cost of washing a car?2.Who has a comparative advantage?3.Who has an absolute advantage?-STOP HERE. I SUGGEST YOU TRY IT OUT BEFORE YOU READ THE SOLUTION.-Solution:1. Opportunity cost = next best alternative/the choice or action you must forego in order to perform the action or choice you have chosen.Therefore, Ted's O.C of washing a car (1)since 4 wax = 12 wash4/12 wax = 1 wash1/3 wax = 1 washis 1/3 a wax.Therefore, Tom's O.C of washing a car (1)Since 3 wax = 6 wash,3/6 wax = 1 wash1/2 wax = 1 washis 1/2 wax.The opportunity cost of Ted washing a car is 1/3 a wax,While the opportunity cost of Tom washing one car is 1/2 a wax.2. Since The Principle of Comparative Advantage states that "a person has a comparative advantage over another if his/her opportunity cost of performing a certian task is lower than the other person's opportunity cost." , andO.C of Ted is 1/3 & O.C of Tom is 1/2,Ted has the Comparative Advantage.3. Who has the absolute Advantage?Ted, Because His production per day is 4wax/12wash while Tom's production per day is 3wax/6wash.In a simple pnut, comparative advantage is one guy having a lower o.c than the other in terms of his ppd. you calculate it by the old sec 2/3 proportion method you used in sec school.
Absolute advantage..quite obvious, the person who has the absolute advantage is the guy who can produce more per unit time, same units.
QTN 2 PG 55Ted can wax a car in 20 mins or wash a car in 60 mins. Tom can wax a car in 15 mins or wash a car in 30 mins.1. What is each man's o.c of washing a car?2. WHo has the comparative advantage? (washing cars?)Solution:1. Opportunity cost = next best alternative/the choice or action you must forego in order to perform the action or choice you have chosen.
Therefore, Ted's O.C of washing a car (1)
Since 20 mins = wax & 60 mins = wash for Ted,
and 15 mins = wax & 30 mins = wash for Tom,
Ted's O.C of washing one car is 60/20 = 3 wax
Tom's OC of washing one car is 30/15 = 2 wax.
The opportunity cost of Ted washing a car is 3 waxes,
While the opportunity cost of Tom washing one car is 2 waxes.
2. Since The Principle of Comparative Advantage states that "a person has a comparative advantage over another if his/her opportunity cost of performing a certian task is lower than the other person's opportunity cost." ,
O.C of Ted is 3 & O.C of Tom is 2,
Tom has the Comparative Advantage.
Can do? :)
this is just the tip of the iceberg..more solutions are coming after we the study groups bang our heads into the wall more..
We Loved10:39 PM
hmm cheryl.. we can make study groups yeah hahaha i think some others also cant understand... i can tho... quite sure of it... anyone who wans to make study group regarding econs/bm pls email me @, with your name class and free timings! ^^ thx!
T02 ppl listen up!!
my main message:
t01 has nothing to do with this ^^ just ignore! thx! (:
We Loved7:26 PM
i have problems understanding what dr. Red was teaching about in his lecture. only understand the Production Possibility Curve thing as it was taught during PAE.
any Econs genius in class or course? please answer my plea.
i got a feeling i'm going to flunk econs and biz.mgmt in the common test if i don't get help.
ps. billy aka xiangSHUIping is happy guy.
yeahs. you dun have to give me that murderous glare, you told me yourself that you're a happy guy.
what's another word for happy?
G _ Y . :P
We Loved6:46 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We Loved7:53 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Calvin the Economist

Useful for Econs??
My PAE Econs teacher at Millenia Institute used this comic strip.
It's really cool isnt it?
okay, you guys have to click on it and let it open in a new window to see the words properly.
We Loved12:18 PM
hey guys! i just wanna share something with you guys...
To start off, a question to ask! What was the biggest dream you have ever dreamed about? (dreams are different from visions) No matter what your dream is, it must have felt good i guess? for me, it did. we all love dreaming. we dream about being superstars, pop idols, high-flyer, wealthy businessman, and alot others as well! Your dreams is a direct projection of how you think. A positive person would never dream of something small, likewise a negative person would never dream of something big. Well, it's good to dream. A living person w/o dreams and visions is better off dead than a person burried with his dreams and visions. What i meant was that if we dont have any dreams or visions, we would be wasting our lives! Dreaming is free - quoted from Mr Red. So, go ahead and make the darest dream you can! Now, my main point is, what comes next?
We like to dream, engrossed in our "fantasy". But how many can actually achieve that dream? Dreams serve as a motivation and a goal to seek in life, nothing else. Without actions, it's totally useless. However, for that dream of yours, how much are you willing to pay? Are you willing to shoulder the burden of having that dream? Are you able to sacrifice that same amount from your life to achieve that dream? Well, many of us would still be unsure of that. This is when we should start thinking. I am not saying that dreaming big is useless, but dreaming big comes with a bigger price. How much do you think that dream is worth? A penny or the whole world? Answers vary among people.
In order to be successful, one must dream big, and also be able to pay the price. I think and sincerely hope that everyone of us wants to be successful right? ^^ so, let's be ready to pay the price of the dream we have been dreaming for. To achieve it and bring it into realisation.
ps t02
pls be reminded to do your Writ Com blog by latest Sat... The deadline should be on friday but let's hope that she allows a day tard.
ITAPP: only 6 quiz ppt are in the MeL at the moment. Let's jiayou and hurry finish it, do a good job and post it yeah! the same goes for ITAPP blog! ^^
-> special attention
who is interested in forming study groups for our common modules? especially econs and biz mag. i think some of us dont quite understand the idea of econ so maybe we can create study groups to help one another understand better.
cheers! jiayou on studies!
We Loved12:52 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
HEY HEY! ^_^ Intro!
Hi hi ppl of BZSE! ^_^ I'm...FRANCINE! haha!~~
Full Name: Francine Wee Wan Sin
Nickname: Fartcine, Francinnamon
D.O.B: 30th July 1991
Blog Add:
Lllooovvveeesss: READING! My first lluurrvvee...BZSE!!! ^_^ and...ZO Care Bears! Haha!
That's all for now...till i come up with more later!
We Loved5:51 PM
CHERYL here.
at CATS now. personally, i find it kinda boring. but also knida interesting, cuz we get to see many stuff thats cool, the brainchildren of inventors and creative pple.
we shall invent a watter bottle that WONT roll down the hill at OurSpace@72
We Loved1:41 PM
Photos & Annoucements
Alrights guys , let's have a class photo of 45 Students shall we?
And perharps with the lecturers as well , let's make it on Monday okayy ?
That's first .
Secondly , the BLOG posting , kindly & please , leave your names after you guys posted alrights?
And , write ur name using a BIGGER font and maybe coloured .
If not it will be very confusing about the postings , thanks .
As for the tagboards , i don't think it should be separated into T01 & T02 bahhs ,
afterall we are all together : )
The LEFT CBOX will be for general chats , the RIGHT FLASHBOX will be for discussion .
Thirdly , the YMCA project ! Let's try research on it and discuss together online and submit the proposal , since the deadline has been extended by one week , that's a lot of time i guess =/
Fourth , ~ The BLOGSKIN ! those who are good in making blogskins , try editing it : )
thanks Billy for the blogskin !
Fifth , the Class Jacket that we talked about ! : ) Those who are RIGHT-BRAINERS or good with designing , help to design the class jacket ! =xD ` cause someone complained about being cold in the class and we'll have a class jacket instead of a class shirt ~ !
Lastly ~ the homeworks ~ T01 !
1] Joyce's Blog
2] Nellie's Blog
3] Nellie's QUIZ
4] Lynn's Blog
5] Lynn's Worksheet
yeahyeah that's all i guess =p try and complete it by today i think ~ =x
i've only seen 19 ppl submitting for T01 ~ and i think we have 23 ppl in class =/
~ Ronny ~ xD
We Loved12:57 PM
Can't make it for youth concert..i got church on sat, and i got an archery shoot before that! >_<
How about..Let's all do some research on our own to get ideas on ymca..maybe we can all can post up our stuff on this blog and take the best bits from everyone. haha.
We Loved10:10 AM
good idea francine... i think some of us cant make it cos got church, unless we can go for sunday ones. and btw guys, gentle reminder. friday 18 april is the last day to do your reflective journal for WC (writ com). Please be punctual in handing up working so we can all score well yeah? ^^
//i wish i could get to sleep soon!
chengxi (:
We Loved2:18 AM
One more post! ^_^
Fartcine: Oh, btw, who wanna go see the Youth Eco Concert on Saturday at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza?? We can get ideas from there for the YMCA project??
We Loved2:01 AM
??? Francine Here! ^_^
Fartcine: Wah...I just leave for a couple of hours...and so many posts alrady?? Wow.
Hi everyone! Francine from T01 here, and we having Sports and Wellness tml! I finished all my assignments--have you?? ~~
Yes, I'm just here to talk crap cos I just came back from the Fantazia Convert and I'm still too hyper to sleep, so here I am! Haha! ^_^
Kk, see you guys tml! Ciao!
~18/04/2008, 1.46a.m.
We Loved1:43 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
1st blogg post in my life
Hey guysss!! Tis is Juo Wi here. Guess wat??? Tis is the 1st time i my whole life dat im bloggin!!!
Woots!!! n im doin it on OUR BZSE BLOGG!!! kool huh?? XD Anyways, heres abit of my thots la..
firstly, im really happy 2 be in tis course, wif every1 of u guys. havin fun. foolin arnd. playin DOTA in class *cough cough*. heh heh.
then, im glad dat i'll be learnin how to kill 2 birdies wif a pebble!! lol. i'll be able 2 help others while makin $$$ at the same time! so kool rite?!?!
finally, hope we can all stay as gd frens thruout our 3 yrs in tis course.
Lurvvee u guyysss!
P.S. sry bout my not-so-proper-english. hehe. 2 used 2 sms language le. XD
Juo WI(Joey)-.-
We Loved8:07 PM
hey byukuya is dam cool k!! xD he can easily own kenpachi with his Soutei Senbozakura Kageyoshi! hahaha but kenpachi's a freak >< i like Fate/Stay Night and D. Gray man more! xD
btw btw, everyone pls submit your contacts like hp no. and email to me or whoever is in charge then i'll print out! pls include your class! thx ah! let's try to get the contacts done by this sunday 5pm! so i can print by monday and pass to everyone!!
and yeah, my email is
edit// you all wan add one more discussion tagboard at the right side? like we can organise study groups! for outings we will use the default cbox which is located at the right side ^^
We Loved5:18 PM
Hey guys!
it's been damn fun having classes with you all, and i bet it's gonna be better and more fun as time goes on and such..waha
okay, just wanted to share why the blog's designed like that!
the colour's blue..because i dont know why. I just like blue, it's serene, comfy, sleek and comfortable.
The images are made with a touch of grunge, graffitti and freestyle firstly because we're all cool hip people! It reflects creativity, strength, power, youth in a really simple, yet sophisticated way.
The main image i designed with all that stuff because i wanted to compress what we're all about into one small that went into all the stuff like the disadvantaged kid- contented and the growing money tree at the well as the chinese words which mean compassion (i think?), love and for help..yeah!
okay..and the song!
Why i chose solution? There was a night i was listening and reading lyrics online, and i came across solution. And when i really looked into the lyrics and pieced together meaning and heart, i had this awesome realization that the song's really what we're all about too! If you wna know what i mean, just read it for's at the bottom. haha.
Well, that's all i wanna say..let's keep this blog alive man! :)
cheers, & see you in class!
It is not a human right
To stare not fight
While broken nations dream
Open up our eyes, so blind
That we might find
The Mercy for the need
Singing, Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession
It is not too far a cry
To much to try
To help the least of these
Politics will not decide
If we should rise
And be your hands and feet
Singing, Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey Now
As we hold to our confession
God be the solution
We will be Your hands and be Your feet.
Yeah, yeah
Higher than a circumstance
Your promise stands
Your love for all to see
Higher than our protest lines and dollar signs
Your love is all we need
Only You can mend the broken heart
And cause the blind to see
Erase complete the sinners past
And set the captives free
Only You can take the widows cry
And cause her heart to sing
Be a Father to the fatherless
Our Savior and our King
We will be Your hands, we will be Your feet
We will run this race
On the darkest place, we will be Your light
We will be Your light
We will be Your hands , we will be Your feet
We will run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place, we will be your light
We will be your light
We’ll sing
God be the solution
We will be Your hands and be Your feet.
God be the solution
We will be Your hands and be Your feet.
Yeah, yeah
We will run we will run
We will run with the solution (2x)
We will be Your hands we will be Your feet
We will run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place we will be Your light
We will be Your light
We sing
We Loved4:58 PM
MMMMOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!! now we got a blog!!!! three cheers to whoever started the blog!!!! By the way, hey Ronny, Zaraki Kenpachi ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Byakuya SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
We Loved3:49 PM
Hey all! this is just sooo dope man! a blog of NPBZSE2008! We own all! xD firstly, let's strive to create the best learning environment we can be in! let's have fun, enjoy our lives, and at the same time, touching the lives of others and our loved ones! i believe every single one of us is here for a reason, and a reason we must not forget - loved to love! we all enjoy being love by others yeah? so let us spread this wonderful feeling to others too! at the same time, we will make the other schools/courses FEEL THE LOVE from our achievements! so, everyone! let us keep on keeping on to be close, loving and never to give up no matter what may come our way! I will post some inspirational messages here around once a week or more! Now, would you all join me into creating the best course in the world ever yet?
//side notes: for econs and biz mag, it's quite a difficult subject for us. we can organise study groups and maybe lessons among ourselves to teach and learn form one another! let's show the world that econs does not mean that we will fail!
//chengxi the great BZSE-er!
We Loved3:30 PM
YAY!!! BZSE's personal blog. haha. thats great... who can teach me Econs?! its beyond my comprehension. =X
We Loved1:37 PM
1st Post ! : )
Hellos everyone ! : )
Welcome to NP-BZSE-2008's blog ! =ppp
Everyone let's start blogging here and please leave your name before you publish your post : )
This is what i've decided =p
someone shall take notes during class & send it to everyone =pp
or better still , post it to our class's BLOG ! : )
but of course , taking turns !
Shall blog about my feelings and thoughts =p !
For me , i was quite scared in the beginning lol .
cause there isn't anyone i know in this course .
TOTALLY unfamiliar with everything .
just when class started ~ on the first day , i wanted to sit in one corner and stay quiet LOL ! =p
and i did ~ lalala ~
was quite boring =( cause i didn't bring my laptop !
As for the 2nd day , brought laptop ! and and , started talking with my classmates !
they are all nice and friendly ! hahas =ppp
started adding them on msn ~ and now i've only 23 contacts ! everyone else ~ add me ! =p
my msn is ! : )))
IT app was quite hell lah lol ~ i sucked at PowerPoint !
but our classmates are so helpful ! =x
alrights shall end here =ppp
Ronny ~ xD
We Loved1:02 AM